Thursday, November 13, 2008

The rest is still unwritten.

Hey gang,

I'm feeling loads better. And seeing as only the lovely Scott cared to play in the previous post it is back to me to do the writing. Please look to the clip above if you have not done so. It is a a pretty heated battle of words from both sides of the Prop 8 debate. Clearly, you know where I stand. "On the right side of history" as Dan Savage would declare.

Yes, the buzz phrase that has taken hold of the American lexicon since a black man won the White House. Being one that loves a way with words I find this turn so intriguing. It immediately justifies those that agree with you on such a broad spectrum they could never turn back. Likewise when "on the wrong side of history" you instantly become a monster of such ill repute history must deem it so.

And though I love a crushing blow just as mush as the next argumentative S.O.B., this one has got to go. It is far to soon to unleash the future of the human tale on someone, right? I mean it hasn't even happened yet! So for the purpose of preserving the sanctity of impact. Please give history its back.

Then again it doesn't take a fortune teller to know equality is right. ;)

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