Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Because we should all have a voice.

Hello readers,

One of my friends read the below post "Wrong on Rights", not knowing it was by me, Jason Coffey. I feel we should all be heard, therefore I want you to hear him. This was his response.

The statement below could not be more wrong! (of course the person that wrote it does not have his/her name listed) They should check their facts first. Did the author volunteer to work in Pasadena or the Inland Empire? I did!!!!! And hundreds of others did!!!

I wonder how exactly the author thinks we raise the money to air those ads. Those cocktails parties raised a LOT of money. Ads aired on almost ALL networks and shows that are watched by a large cross section of voters. The ones on the 'gay' channels were targeted to make sure the GLBT vote knew to vote NO and not YES. MANY voters were confused by it.

To respond to my dear friend. Yes, I did volunteer. I also applaud the efforts of everyone that volunteered. It's like I support the troops, just not the Bush administration sending them to war. Get it? And this is how I feel with the current leadership of the GLBT Community. For instance, can you name the current leader of this movement? Could you spot him/her in a crowd? Good luck. Our leadership is faceless as is the cause. And this was the issue I was getting at prior. Our last true symbol was Matthew Shepard. Surely we, like the African-American community has Obama, need a positive strong communicator leading us. Not a martyred memory. I say that with all due respect to the victims of hate.

Also in terms of the advertising effort put forth by EQ CA, it was abysmal. I say this with a degree in Advertising and 6 years spent working in the field. What should have been done, was to come out guns blazing with a real statement. Show separate drinking fountains, then draw the parallel for voters. Not make some contrived and confused ad with a woman tripped at the alter. They finished off in this vein, but by the 11th hour - too little, too late. And why not use Samuel L. Jackson's face along with his a voice? An endorsement from an African American in a tv spot would have been ideal. Yet again we squandered a face.

This is wherein all the issues come back. We have become afraid to identify ourselves. This is old but true, from Milk:

"...Come out to your parents, I know that it is hard and will hurt them but think about how they will hurt you in the voting booth! Come out to your friends, if they indeed are your friends. Come out to your neighbors, to your fellow workers. Once and for all, break down the myths, destroy the lies and distortions. For your sake. For their sake..."

1 comment:

Freitag said...

Sweeping, gross generalizations based on no factual evidence? Indeed, your writing does reflect your hollywood habitat. Congratulations on your undermining, finger pointing essay. You should be ashamed. Even the advertising business you were a part of has a fact checking standard and legal department to hold itself to. Your anger and disappointment is completely misplaced. Instead of looking at others people's misteps, you should perhaps look inward. How could you have made the campaign against prop 8 stronger? What could you have done differently? Did you fill up your car and drive out to the in-lands with a couple of friends after you allegedly believed that no one was covering that area? It only takes one man to start a movement. Stop looking for others to blame and critisize. Stop looking for someone else to be stronger for you. Become the community participant/leader/organizer you wish there to be.
And until you do, stop bitching about others who DID, when you DID NOT.